
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Construction Themed Birthday Party

A few weeks ago, we threw a construction themed birthday party for my little man. I can't believe that he is already two {commence waterworks now}.


Like most boys his age, he loves trucks and dirt so he was beyond excited about his construction party. His interest in construction leans more towards the demolition phase right now {his favorite exclamation: "Knock it down!"} and he loves getting dirty so we had a "Construction Zone" tent set up for the kids outside. We took several long storage boxes and filled them with dirt and toys and let the kids go to town.


Of course, they had to use all of the appropriate safety gear.

I ordered the construction hats off Amazon, got the vests from the dollar store and my husband generously supplied the safety glasses (he has boxes and boxes of them for work).

The kids looked so cute all dressed up in their gear.

For food, we had chicken salad sandwiches for the adults and bagel bites (mini-pizzas) for the kiddos.

Along with spare tires (chocolate covered doughnuts)...

...and some rebar (pretzel sticks).

My mom's friend decorates cookies on the side and she made these adorable construction themed treats.

Besides being so cute, they were delicious! We didn't have a single cookie leftover. {The only sad part of the whole day.}

We had a refueling station set up if anyone was running on fumes.

My favorite part of the whole party was the cake. Aside from the obvious reason {it was covered in scrumptious chocolate icing}, I loved it because it was so simple to make but had a huge WOW factor.

The inside was striped like construction tape! I followed this phenomenal tutorial from Lauren over at Fredellicious and it was really easy. You might even say that it was a piece of cake {if you were corny, like me}.

The sweetest kiss in the whole world!

This is the only picture I have of the shirt that I made my little man for his birthday party. I couldn't find a plain orange shirt so I ended up using RIT dye and coloring a white shirt. Then I used my silhouette and their iron-on flocking material to do the design on the front. It turned out really cute. Only downside: I didn't wash the dye out enough and it ended up coloring the white design the first time I washed it. Lesson learned.

When it was time for our guests to leave, we had the goodie bags in a truck by the front door.

 I simply filled up clear bags with Reese's pieces since they were the colors of the party. I think the adults were more excited about this treat bag than the kids.


Towards the end of the party, we got a major downpour of rain {even though the Weather Channel had predicted only a 10% chance...thanks Texas weather for keeping us guessing}. So all the containers of dirt turned into containers of mud, much to my son's delight. We ended the party with most of the kids wet from the rain or covered in mud. That only means that the party was a success.

*Special thanks to my dear friend Lerin from Lerin Photography for providing me with some the images above. She wasn't at the party in any official capacity but still shared all the pictures that she took of my sweet boy's special day. It is hard to remember to capture those moments, especially when you are busy hosting a party so a million thanks goes to her and her trigger-happy finger! :)


  1. Such a fun party! My nephew had a dump truck theme for his 2nd birthday too... boys and their trucks!

  2. This is adorable! I love all of your little details. Especially the cake! WOW!

  3. I love this party theme and am working on one for my son's 3rd birthday. Can I ask where you got the favor tags/sticker for the goodie bags? Did you make them? This is very cute and I would love to find something similar. Thanks!

  4. I love the theme! You did a fantastic job! Can I ask where you got the goodie bag sticker? Did you make it?

  5. This is exactly what I am wanting to do for my little boy's birthday! It all looks fantastic! Where did you get the signs and tags?

  6. Soooo excited and happy I found your blog....what a fun party and some great ideas for my lil man 2nd birthday in a few weeks!
