
Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Features {No. 11}

What a week! As always, it’s been busy busy busy in our household! We moved out of our house and will close today. My eye may or may not be twitching from all of the stress… I’m excited to make a new place our own, but a little sad to leave all of the great memories behind. Margaritas tonight to celebrate big changes in our lives!

So now that it’s Friday, let’s celebrate! All of us at Huckleberry Love want to thank you for another great link party this week. There were some really great projects that I can’t wait to try out. Thank you so much for sharing.

 Each of us chose a project to feature this week. Here are our picks:

Jill's Pick:

Lydia's Pick:

Jamie's Pick:

Emily's Pick:

Karla's Pick:

Go and check out these awesome projects! And as always, be sure to share yours next week on our Much Ado About Monday link party. 
If you were featured, be sure to grab our button. Do it! You've earned it!
Have a great weekend!!


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my little project! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

    Good luck with your move - The eye twitching should stop with a few margaritas! It's the known cure!


  2. Yay! Thank you so much for the feature. You all are awesome.


  3. Thanks so much for the great party, ladies! Love your fabulous blog! :)

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my summer wreath!

  5. Thanks for linking up! And the margaritas worked ;-)
