
About Us


We are three friends who decided to get together and share with the world our love of crafting, cooking, decorating and life as Moms to our little ones.
Between us, there are tenchildren... which is where the name Huckleberry Love comes from. We're hoping our little ones, who have known each other virtually since birth, will grow up to become huckleberry friends. :)

Interested in learning more about the four women behind Huckleberry Love? Read on!

Hi, I’m Jamie. Living my dream life with my wonderful hubby by my side and as a stay-at-home mom to my four wonderful children.  Originally from Canada, but now happy to be a resident of Texas. I LOVE to crochet, DIY, take photos and anything involving the outdoors and athletics! Soccer, YMCA classes and water sports are definitely my top choices! Always ready for a new adventure and willing to jump in with both feet to whatever life throws my way. And usually with a camera in my hand to capture the moment! 

What is your favorite store? Costco (I obviously love to have twenty of everything...) & basically any clothing store. Hobby Lobby & JoAnn's rate right up there, as well. ;)
Where would you visit if you had the chance? I would love to go back to Australia.
What will we find you writing about here on Huckleberry Love? Crochet, sewing, DIY projects and crafts for the kiddos!

Hi! I’m Jill. I’m a twenty something stay-at-home mom to three sweet babies. I enjoy cooking, crafting, sewing, and figuring out how to make things myself. I’m married to a great guy who I met in college. He kind of completes me <3 When I’m not with my family, friends, or crafting, I’m a part time math professor at a local community college. Although my life is crazy busy at times, I wouldn’t change a thing :)

What is your favorite store? Target, Joann’s, and Ikea for sure!
Where would you visit if you had the chance? Spain. There's just something about the combination of gorgeous beaches, rich culture, and awesome food :)
What will we find you writing about on Huckleberry Love? Cooking, sewing, the adventures of mommy-hood and other DIY projects.

Hey y'all! I'm Lydia, a native Texan and stay at home mom to three little monkeys who amaze me, challenge me and make me laugh everyday. I am married to my college sweetheart and am so lucky that he knows both how to change an alternator and load the dishwasher (correctly, no less). I am an avid reader, a night-owl and movie junkie. I love to sew, craft and am always on the lookout for little treasures as I scour our local thrift stores and antique shops. And I will never say no to a doughnut.

What is your favorite store? Target, Home Goods, Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's
Where would you visit if you had the chance? Rome! 
What will we find you writing about here on Huckleberry Love? Sewing projects for my littles, crafts for the home and home decorating.  

We're happy that you have stumbled across our little piece of the Internet. Take some time to sit down with your favorite drink, relax and look around. 

                                                           Photographs courtesy of Lerin Photography


  1. What a fun way to blog! I love that you all started a blog together! So fun.

    Kristina @

  2. You all must have a lot of fun crafting together....I'm sure the ideas and inspiration from each other is endless! Hello from Made u look party!
    leelee @

  3. Found your blog from a link party!!! You ladies are so lucky to have each other!!! Great blog. Now off to find you on social media to follow along there too. :)
