Sunday, January 4, 2015

Project 52 {An Introduction}

So, I know at the beginning of the year it is customary to make resolutions and usually I forgo that ritual. I have found that most of my resolutions don't make it out of January so I have stopped. But this year, I am breaking that tradition. Sort of.

I am starting something called Project 52, where I am challenging myself in the coming year to sew something every week, thus making 52 sewing projects by the time December 31 rolls around.  I find that I get into bouts of very active sewing and then I lag off and don't sew or create for weeks at a time.

It's not always easy to make time for sewing when you have three small children and I find that I put my ideas and projects aside for laundry, dishes, mopping the floor, etc. Which I don't mind, honestly. But I start making it a habit to put chores (or watching The Office reruns with my husband) before my sewing and I get a bit of funk. I am hoping that Project 52 will help kick me in the butt and get back in the routine of sewing and creating. It will help me find my Happy Place again.

So look for new a sewing project every week! I can't wait to actually make all the patterns that I have horded in my craft room (when JoAnn's has their patterns for a $1, I go a bit crazy) and I am looking forward to learning new techniques and perfecting old ones.

If any of you guys want to join in with me, I would love it! Let me know and I will set something up (link party or Facebook page). It is always awesome to see other projects and I find so much inspiration from what you guys make!

In any case, I am looking forward to a year of health, happiness, and 52 sewing projects! Hope you follow along with me for the ride. :)


  1. This is such a great idea. I can't wait to see your projects!

  2. This is awesome! I am so on board with this! It will go perfect with my #NoSpenduary Challenge I am starting this month. Check it out:)
