Sunday, October 12, 2014

Much Ado About Monday {No. 81}

Happy Sunday everyone!!

What a great weekend we are having. My oldest little Princess turned 5, which blows my mind because it feels like she was just born. I'm so proud of the smart, beautiful, caring little girl she's become. My world truly changed for the better 5 years ago when she was born. This weekend was naturally all about her so we spent the weekend out at the lake, doing her favourite things; water skiing, swimming and playing with her best friend Ella. The cake, ice cream and presents sure were fun too! ;) And tomorrow, she has the day off from school so we are heading out to the zoo. A pretty good birthday weekend if I do say so myself. :)

This week Lydia shared her absolutely too cute Little Hula Girl Costume Tutorial. If you haven't checked it out, it is a must!!

We loved all of your posts last week as well, and you all again made it so hard for us to choose our favourites, but we managed to narrow it down to these tops:

Jamie's Pick: Pumpkin Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast via Abundant Wellness
Lydia's Pick: Monster Mash Munch via Life with the Crust Cut Off
Emily's Pick: Halloween Oreo Cake Bars via I Dig Pinterest 
Jill's Pick: Spooky Spider Halloween Cards via The Pin Junkie

And our most viewed post of the week was Crunchy Peanut Butter Balls via Craving Some Creativity

If you were one of our featured bloggers, then Congrats and be sure to grab our 'I Was Featured' button to display proudly on your blog. :)

And now, let's party!!

The Rules:

*We love our followers, and always follow back. Please follow us on GFC as well as BlogLovin:
Follow on Bloglovin
*You can also find us at these favorite social media sites: FacebookTwitterPinterestInstagram, and Google+
* Please link back to us in your post. Whether it be through a text link or by posting our super cute button somewhere in your post. We appreciate it!
* If you do NOT link back to us in your post, you will NOT be Featured on Much Ado About Monday. So, link back! You'll thank us later. :)

*Features posts will be pinned on Pinterest and promoted on Facebook and Google+
* Feel free to link up decorating tips, DIY projects, recipes, organizational ideas, sewing and crochet creations or anything else crafty or that you find inspirational.
* Please do not link up giveaways, Etsy shops, or projects that were not made by you.
* You may link up to three posts a week!
* If your post has been featured, please do not link it up again.
* Remember to visit, visit, visit! That's the point of a party, right? Have fun!
Thanks for stopping by to party with us!!


  1. You made my day! Thanks so much for featuring my spooky spider Halloween card!

  2. Thank you for a lovely party!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting, Jamie and Ladies!
    Have a great week,

  4. Hello cute ladies! Super excited to be partying with you today. I hope you get a chance to swing by our party that starts tonight at 7 pm. We would love to have you!
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  5. Yay!!! Back again for another fantastic party! Thanks for hosting! Please stop by and give my blog a read and a like. 

    Have a great day,
    Aubrie B. @ Waking Up Bagtas

  6. Wishing you another wonderful week. Thanks again for hosting a great party!

    Have a wonderful day,

  7. Thanks for hosting, ladies! Have a great week:)

  8. Thanks for hosting such a great linky party! Enjoy the week! Kyla @

  9. Thank you so much for hosting the party!
    Have a great week~


  10. Thanks for the party ladies =) Marcy @ day2day SuperMom
