Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sweet Hayley {Meet Our Twelth Huckleberry}

I've been keeping a little secret for the past few months from y'all...

And her name is Hayley. :)

This sweet baby girl entered our lives in April, and we couldn't be happier! As with my previous two pregnancies, we didn't find out the sex of this little one- so it was a wonderful surprise when she came out a girl! Especially considering we have two rambunctious, troublesome little boys at home!

They're completely enamored with their baby sister and love to "take care" of her. Especially my oldest, Aidan. I can all ready see they have a special bond- the first time she "cooed" was at him. :)

As for my husband? Well, he was sure from the moment I became pregnant that she was going to be a girl. He desperately wanted a little lady to spoil and now he's got one! With the addition of our baby girl, I can smile knowing that our family now feels complete. I absolutely love this sweetie pie. She has been a wonderful baby so far and I can't wait for all of the great Mother/Daughter bonding experiences we'll be able to have together!

So, now on top of selling our house and moving across the country, I've also got a newborn and two toddlers to take care of! Sometimes I think I'm a bit crazy. But, it's all worth it.

Welcome to the world {and Huckleberry Love}, baby girl. :)

**All photos courtesy of Kiss the Moon Photography**


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! We're in love with this little lady! :)

  2. Congratulations, she is so precious!!!

  3. A true gift from God! congrats! She's beautiful! <3

  4. So incredibly precious! Enjoy her, mama!

  5. What a little sweetheart! Love the pic of the three kids together - so cute:)

    1. Thanks, Ginnie! That picture was a labor of love. There was a lot of bribery involved to get it just right! Ha ha!
