Thursday, June 20, 2013

Simplest Flower Pot Trellis, EVER!!

A couple of months ago, for Earth Day, the girls and I planted some Christmas Tree Lima beans. We planted them in old tennis ball holders, which was great for the girls to be able to see our beans sprout and grow. And grow they did! I recently realized that those little beans had completely outgrown their containers. I knew I had to transplant them into a bigger pot, but, I had one tiny problem... Those little beans had grown so much in our kitchen window, that the stalks had completely wound themselves up around my blinds and almost to the top of the window!!

So on came my thinking cap. I knew I needed some sort of support system, but it couldn't be too big and I didn't want to have to buy anything. Then, while I was hanging up some clothes in my closet, the lights came on! I decided I would make a small trellis out of wire clothes hangers. And, here is what I did...

Can't Get Started Without:
~three wire clothes hangers
~spray paint in colour of your choice ( I used Krylons' Indoor/Outdoor in Raspberry)
~needle nose pliers

The first thing I did was get out my pliers and undo my hangers.
After my hangers were undone, I used the pliers and pure mom muscle to straighten out and shape them. I used two thicker wire hangers and a third thinner painted one and I must say the painted hanger was a LOT easier to work with. I decided that I would use that one to wind around the other two.
All I did was weave the hanger back and forth between the other two to give it an almost ladder like look.
To give my trellis a little bit of added flair, I bent the tops of the two unwoven hangers into a 'heart-like' shape. I say 'heart like', because as much as this is a simple project, the wires proved a bit more difficult than I expected to bend exactly the way I wanted.
Once the trellis was finished to my satisfaction, it was time to bust out the spray paint. Miss J's favourite colour is pink, so when I found this 'Raspberry' Krylon spray paint in the JoAnn clearance bin for $1.50, it was a no brainer.
While I was waiting for my spray paint to dry, I went about the task of untangling the bean stalks from my blinds. I couldn't believe how tightly they had twisted themselves up. It was actually very cool.
My poor little bean looked so sad once it didn't have the blinds to hold onto anymore.
My trellis was now dry,

so I transplanted my beans

and added the trellis.

After I carefully wove the bean stalk onto my trellis,

I was done!
Is my trellis perfect? Absolutely not ;-), but it does the trick and the girls LOVED it. Miss J was
happy to have her beans in a purple pot with a pink trellis, and I was happy because this simple DIY was basically free.
Have you done any quick and easy DIY's recently? I would love to hear all about them.
Linking Up With These Great Parties:

Made in a Day
For the Kids Fridays at
Catch a Glimpse Button

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